
Used to request the creation of a mandate towards the Datahub API for a user.

In case of the Fluvius datahub, the consumer is required to provide consent in the Fluvius portal. Once completed,
they can be redirected to the customer's landing page using two predefined return URLs, the success and failure URLs.
This endpoint allows the client application to specify these success and failure URLs.

- If none of these URLs is provided then the Label Partner default configurations are going to be used.

- If no URLs are specified in this endpoint and the default URLs are not specified at the Label Partner configuration,
then no URLs will be sent to the datahub at all.

- If only one of the URLs is provided in the request, the request will return an error.

Additionally, validation of the URLs is performed to ensure they are valid.

- The validation process checks whether the provided string follows the URL format but does not perform domain

- Fluvius is required to whitelist these URLs for them to be accepted from their end. If a URL is not whitelisted,
any request to Fluvius will fail.
