Energy Usage notifications

Instantaneous demand exceeds thresholds

Homestate hyperactive alert

The homestate hyperactive notification is triggered when NET2GRID Insight identifies that the instantaneous demand that is currently reported exceeds the homestate hyperactive threshold that has been calculated for the installation. The homestate mechanism is based on three thresholds (Chill / Normal / High) that are calculated by NET2GRID Analytics engine every night (using a moving window off 7 days in the past) and are stored in the SmartBridge.

Notification CodeDescription
M039Homestate hyperactive alert

The app can query the actual state of the household using the Get current homestate endpoint, and get information about the thresholds themselves using the Get homestate configuration endpoint.
When the gateway detects an instantaneous power level that exceeds the High threshold, then the Hyperactive notification is dispatched.

  • No attributes are defined for this notification type.
  • This notification can only be enabled if PL001 notification is disabled since both are monitored by the SmartBridge and are mutually exclusive.

Power level monitor alert

The power level monitor notification is triggered when the instantaneous power consumption exceeds the thresholds that are defined by the end-user.

Notification CodeDescription
PL001Power level monitor alert

The user can specify through the app up to 4 consumption thresholds via the Put power level monitor configuration endpoint. The SmartBridge is monitoring the instantaneous power consumption and if it moves from one state to another (from low to high only not the opposite) a notification is sent out. The app can also get the configuration of this functionality via the Get power level monitor configuration endpoint.

  • The attributes that are reported when this notification is triggered are:
    • alert_status: The allowed values of this attribute are
      • 1: above 1st threshold
      • 2: above 2nd threshold
      • 3: above 3rd threshold
      • 4: above 4th threshold
    • gateway: The EUI of the installation’s gateway. This field can be used to identify for which of the user’s households the notification was triggered.
  • It is similar to the Homestate Hyperactive notification but instead of monitoring the thresholds calculated by Analytics engine, the NET2GRID EnergyAI monitors the thresholds defined by the end-user.
  • This notification can only be enabled if Homestate Hyperactive notification notification is disabled since both are monitored by the SmartBridge and are mutually exclusive.

Consumption thresholds over a period exceeded

The end user can specify thresholds that will be monitored daily by NET2GRID Insight in order to trigger alerts if the total energy consumption has exceeded these thresholds. The end user can set these thresholds via the Put energy monitors config CE-API endpoint where there can be 2 thresholds (level 1 and level 2) that can be defined for monitoring daily, weekly, monthly and yearly consumption. The Get energy monitors config endpoint returns the thresholds that have been setup for the end user.

Notification CodeDescription
EML1D.01Consumption exceeded daily threshold for level 1 yesterday.
EML2D.01Consumption exceeded daily threshold for level 2 yesterday.
EML1W.01Consumption exceeded weekly threshold for level 1.
EML2W.01Consumption exceeded weekly threshold for level 2.
EML1M.01Consumption exceeded monthly threshold for level 1.
EML2M.01Consumption exceeded monthly threshold for level 2.
EML1Y.01Consumption exceeded yearly threshold for level 1.
EML2Y.01Consumption exceeded yearly threshold for level 2.

These notifications contain the following additional attributes:

Notification AttributeDescription
alert_statusWill always be set to true.
gatewayThe gateway EUI for which the notification was dispatched.
email_addressThe email address of the end-user.
timezoneOptional field - The timezone specified for the end-user.

Capacity peak threshold exceeded

The end user can set up a capacity peak threshold and they will be notified when the consumption in a 15-minute interval exceeds the aforementioned threshold. The threshold value can be specified via the PUT /capacitypeaks/config CE-API endpoint and can be later retrieved via the GET /capacitypeaks/config CE-API endpoint.

When the thresholds have been setup and are exceeded the following notification is triggered:

Notification CodeDescription
CP001Consumption exceeded the capacity peak set by the user

These notifications contain the following additional attributes

Notification AttributeDescription
timestampThe timestamp of when the device identified that the threshold was exceeded
gateway_euiThe gateway EUI for which the notification was dispatched.
capacity_peak_thresholdThe threshold for energy usage set by the user in Watts
consumption_valueThe consumption value that triggered the notification in Watts