GET /customer/service-type


New attributes are added in the response of the GET service-type call.

  • The intraday attribute, which indicates whether the measurement reporting is in real-time or in batches.

  • The data_granularity attribute, which indicates whether the measurements are obtained at a high (IDD reported with 1’-10 seconds granularity and CSD/CSR reported with 1 second-60 minutes granularity) or low (when CSD/CSR is reported with 15-60 minutes granularity, IDD is not constantly reported) resolution.

  • The data_type field will be deprecated, thus its use is not recommended.

  • The data_granularity and intradayfields should be used instead.

An example of the response before and after the changes is shown below:


   "status": "ok",  
   "data": {  
       "data_type": "RT",  
       "n2g_hw": true,  
       "nilm": true,  
       "resolution": 1  


   "status": "ok",
   "data": {
       "data_type": "RT",
       "intraday":  true,
       "data_granularity": "HR",
       "n2g_hw": true,
       "nilm": true,
       "resolution": 1