Testing notifications

CE API provides an endpoint that can be used by app developers so that they can test how the app behaves when a specific notification is triggered.

The Test call to send notifications. can be used to trigger a notification of the provided code for the user for which the token in the authentication is relevant for:

POST /v2/notification/dispatch
Authorization: Bearer <access_token>

The body of the request can contain either the code of the notification only like in the example below:

    "code": "M039"

or the attributes relevant to the notification as well, like:

    "code": "PL001",
    "gateway_eui": "mock1",
    "external_installation_id": "mock2",
    "attributes": {
        "threshold": "2",
        "capacity_peak_threshold": "4000",
        "testKey2": "testValue2"


The notifications that will be triggered will be dispatched in all eligible channels and devices if user consent has been given

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