SmartBridge status notifications

Device availability

For Real-Time solutions using NET2GRID devices it is possible to configure notifications on when the SmartBridges have gone offline for some configured period and when they get back online.

The supported notifications are:

Notification CodeDescription
OL001.1No activity reported by the device for more than the period specified.
OL001.2Device got back online.

These notifications contain the following additional attributes:

Notification AttributeDescription
online_statusPossible values are 0 when the gateway is offline or 1 when the gateway is online.
gatewayThe gateway EUI for which the notification was dispatched.
timestamp_last_changeThe timestamp when the last activity was reported.
external_installation_idThe installation for which the notification is triggered.

Battery level alert

For NET2GRID devices that have batteries the following notification can be dispatched to the end-user when the battery level is low and needs to be replaced.

The supported notifications are:

Notification CodeDescription
BLM.01Battery level on alarm status.

These notifications contain the following additional attributes:

Notification AttributeDescription
alert_statusShould always be 1, indicating the battery level reached alarm status.
gatewayThe gateway EUI for which the notification was dispatched.
email_addressThe email address of the end-user.
timezoneOptional field - The timezone specified by the end-user.
external_installation_idThe installation for which the notification is triggered.