PUSH Notifications

EnergyAI dispatches a PUSH notification in a JSON-encoded message and publishes it to SNS in order for the App to retrieve it.

Based on the Notification Structure the JSON messsage is as follows and contains all important information for the Apps to utilize and adjust accordingly.

"GCM": {
    "data": {
      "msg_code": "value",
      "msg_identifier": "value",
  "attribute_1_name": “value”,
  "attribute_2_name": “value”,
   ... (any number of attributes including external_installation_id) ...
  "attribute_n_name": “value”
"APNS": {
    "aps": {
      "alert": {
        "title-loc-key": "value",
        "loc-key": "value"
      "msg_code": "value",
      "msg_identifier": "value",
  "attribute_1_name": “value”,
  "attribute_2_name": “value”,
   ... (any number of attributes including external_installation_id) ...
  "attribute_n_name": “value”
    "aps": {
      "alert": {
        "title-loc-key": "value",
        "loc-key": "value"
      "msg_code": "value",
      "msg_identifier": "value",
  "attribute_1_name": “value”,
  "attribute_2_name": “value”,
   ... (any number of attributes including external_installation_id) ...
  "attribute_n_name": “value”


For each application that is expected to support mobile PUSH notifications, the following credentials need to be provided to NET2GRID by the Customer:

  • Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM)
    • Google API key

  • Apple Push Notification Service (APNs)
    • TLS certificate. Certificates expire after one year
    • Apple certificate in .p12 format
    • Apple private key