Inbox Notifications

The CE API provides endpoints to

  • fetch all inbox notifications,
  • mark inbox notifications as read/ unread,
  • and delete inbox notifications.

Fetching inbox notifications

The GET messages CE API endpoint returns all inbox notifications relevant to the user.

Marking messages as read

The Mark message as read CE API endpoint marks a notification as read. This allows end-users to distinguish between new messages and messages already read.

The inboxNotificationId path parameter should match the object_id of the notification that should be marked as read.

Marking messages as unread

To allow end-users to mark a message as unread, so they can comeback to it later, the CE API provides the Mark message as unread endpoint.

The inboxNotificationId path parameter should match the object_id of the notification that should be marked as unread.


After marking a notification as unread the Get messages endpoint will return the value 0 for the is_read property for this message, indicating the message is marked as not read.

Deleting messages

The Delete message endpoints allows the deletion of notifications. Deleted notifications will no longer be returned by the Get messages endpoint for that end-user.

The inboxNotificationId path parameter should match the object_id of the notification that should be deleted.